The Art of Activism: Hard Conversations Book Club

The Art of Activism: Hard Conversations Book Club

$ 0.00

The Hard Conversations Book Club will resume in 2025.

I have loved hosting the Hard Conversations Book Club (and its predecessors, including The Bridging Differences Bookclub) for 28 years altogether. That represents 336 books and 336 monthly meetings that shine a light on diversity, -isms, and many related topics.

I started tracking the books read in April 2008 and am attaching that list for your reference.
You can download it for free here.

And oh, the books we have read. Some have become my very favorite books, and our conversations have always illuminated parts of the books I hadn’t considered, so I thank you for that.

I am taking a sabbatical from the Hard Conversations Book Club for 2024 to focus on a writing project of my own. I plan to come back to it in 2025, and I hope you might join me then. For 2024, those of you who would like to stay “in practice” might want to look at the list of books I mentioned above. It includes fiction, nonfiction, memoir, graphic novels, and more. Each book will move your understanding forward, challenge you, and inspire you in some important ways.

Many thanks for all these years of deep conversation. I hope to see you in 2025.

