Creative is a Verb: If You’re Alive, You’re Creative - Signed Copy
$ 19.95
Creative is a Verb - Signed Copy
Yearning to reclaim a creative spirit in your fantastic, unique life? . . . To live your whole life as art, not just the bits you draw on a canvas or embroider or sing? Join Patti Digh in a new kind of book that leads you by both heart and head to acknowledge, reinforce, and use your own creative spirit by teaching six creative commitments—Put Down Your Clever, Turn Around and Look, Show Up Like Magic, Please Lick the Art, Stop Trying So Hard, and Ignore All the Critics. Whether you’re apt to say, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body and really wish I were more creative,” “I’m just a dabbler but would love to be a real artist or craftsperson,” or “I’m an artist and would love to be known and respected,” Creative Is a Verb is for you.