Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice (Online Class)
$ 0.00
Since 2012, VerbTribe has not only been an introduction to "sitting the hell down and writing" and creating a sustainable daily writing practice, it has produced over 400 alumni who continue to support each other's writing and share resources. For 2018, VerbTribe has been completely revised from a 37 day course with daily writing prompts to a 6-week exploration of what it means to be a writer, how to create a writing practice, what stops us from acting on the "I want to be a writer" or "I have a book inside of me" dream, how to read like a writer, and much more.
\nA great gift for the writer in your life! Perhaps that is you.
\nThe course will include:
- Daily writing assignments in an online classroom for six weeks \n
- An expectation of at least 10 minutes of writing each day of the course \n
- Weekly 1-hour group phone calls with Patti to discuss "blocks," ask questions, and share writing (Monday evenings from 8-9pm Eastern) \n
- One 30-minute 1:1 Skype or Zoom call with Patti for coaching, questions, and feedback on a 10-page piece of writing of your choosing (to be scheduled after the course begins) \n
- A closed and ongoing Facebook group for the class to share resources and for scheduled "chats" during the course \n
- Access to the VerbTribe Alumni online community after the course ends \n
- Writing prompts that will be emailed to you every day for 30 days after the course ends \n
- Some surprises. \n
- Learn what patterns keep you from writing and how to change what you do at those "choice points" \n
- Explore your own resistances to writing and gain strategies for overcoming them \n
- Understand your "voice" in your writing and how to hone it \n
- Leave with a sustainable writing practice and 30 days of writing prompts to keep the momentum going \n